What is the best way to remove calcium deposits from a shower floor?

Lucy Church
by Lucy Church
The floor has ceramic tiles, and the deposits are now so bad that they have formed a little dam along the grout. I have tried vinegar and even a pumice stone, don't want to damage the tile and am afraid of using toxic chemicals. Any suggestions?

  6 answers
  • Jojo Jojo on Sep 13, 2017

    Lucy, have you tried the product CLR? If that doesn't do it, try the Bar Keepers Friend...super product for getting rid of anything rusty or crusty. Don't worry about the tiles, they're made of porcelain which is quite resistant to scratching. If you try with the CLR, I'd soak an old wash cloth or rag with it and leave it in place where the deposits are. Should do the trick!

  • I would try a wad of paper towels or old rag soaked with CLR and see if that works.



  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Sep 13, 2017

    Baking soda and white vinegar into a paste and Mr. Clean Magic eraser

  • Peg Peg on Sep 13, 2017

    I would suggest using a steam cleaner.

  • Nnettat Nnettat on Sep 13, 2017

    I've got the hard water with calcium. Tried many things. CLR didn't work for most of what was needed because, I presume, of the soap scum in the calcium. Tried many things. CLR didn't work for most of what was needed because (I presume) of the soap scum mixed in with the calcium. My bath was finally sparkling again with Scrubbing bubbles. Spray on, let set a bit, and then all I needed to do was to use a soft scrubby pad (there's a scotch brite pad on one side and sponge on the other--I use this) to scrub away the "stuff". Since mine is Formica surround, I didn't want to scratch the surface so I didn't use much pressure with the scrubby side. Didn't need to.

    But in the kitchen, the calcium came off best with Oxyclean Dishwasher Rinse. (Liquid) The deposit that builds up on the sprayer and around the faucet came off so nice & easy. And since this product is used on dishes, I wasn't afraid to use it around food areas. CLR didn't even budge these spots. I only have to redo every so often, because they stay clean, for all to be sparkly again. (Maybe I should try this in the tub? Hmm...)

    Hope this helped!

  • B. Enne B. Enne on Sep 13, 2017

    Some people on here have reported using The Works cleaner from the Dollar Tree. Some others have said that The Works toilet cleaner is even stronger--I haven't used it and don't know if it is coloured...If you try it, you might want to test it in a inconspicuous spot first to avoid causing more stains.