How do you handle doggie doo doo disposal?

by Andrea

Any suggestions on doggie doo doo disposal?

  5 answers
  • DesertRose DesertRose on Mar 27, 2019

    We took an example from a friend that runs a kennel. With a scoop and shovel we clean up daily and dispose of it in a small bucket with a plastic bag. It sits at the back of the yard. At the end of the day we tie it shut and put it in the outside garbage can. If odor is a problem we keep lime on hand like they used to use in outhouses in the old days. Also, it can be cleaned up and disposed of each time, if you prefer. In dead of winter it is frozen so we sometimes wait for the weekend to dispose of the bag. We have a small dog so it does not fill up fast. We use grocery bags from the market so we do not have to buy them. I am not sure it everyone would want this, keeping environmental issues at hand, but we found the market bags disintegrate fairly rapidly anyway. We sprinkle a little on top when it needs it and the odor is gone. Hope this helps Andrea.

  • Andrea Andrea on Mar 27, 2019

    Thanks so much for your suggestion

  • Mogie Mogie on Mar 27, 2019

    I like the idea of inground doggie septic systems. These units allow you to pretty easily create your own septic system. You basically dig a hole in your yard, insert a container, add the dog’s poop and occasionally add a special digester powder.

    The pet waste is broken down just like a regular septic system and is washed way into the ground.


  • My yard is small and there are 6+ dogs in my yard daily. I constantly pick up poop. I use biodegradable bags and toss in the trash. I am in zone 9 in Southern California. My private trash service picks up once a week.

  • Sharon Sharon on Mar 28, 2019

    I used the empty dog food bags in plastic 5 gal. buckets, and put them out on the curb for trash company to dispose.