Creating a Wood Post Covering for a Basements Metal Support Post
SLS Construction & Building Solutions LLC
(IC: professional)
2 Hours
Ahh the dreaded support posts seen in most basements... while you can wrap them in carpet (like this one was originally) or buy "wrap" kits at over a 100 each, how about a simple wood post covering. In this case these each ran about $50 a piece, but the cost could be less if you used standard dimensional wood. Want to spice it up even more, see some ideas / tips below. Time for the posts - about an hour, painting & prep maybe another hour or two
In most cases the post is only painted & you can proceed to the next step. For me I had to scrape all the carpet off & a lot of glue
2 1x4 & 2 1x6 pre-primed white pine boards were cut to length*** (Do not use MDF in a basement, bath, or where water could be an issue - they wont last if water does become an issue)
I used a brad nailer to attach the two 1x6 to a 1x4 creating a C-Channel --- while it doesn't form a perfect square box (off by 1/2 inch) most people will never see it & it gives some play in case the pole isn't perfectly plumb
Place the wood C-Channel around the pole plumb - raise it up as far as it will go to help prevent water issues
Using 3 clamps I installed the 1x4 flush with the other pieces. In this case I start at the top & work down. The nice thing about this is the C-Channel is slightly sprung due to the size of the pole allowing one to push the pieces in easily without worrying about trying to pull them back out
Once completed it is ready for trim & paint - plumb as needed
I used quarter round at the top & spackle to hide the seams - yeah there is going to be some sanding
The base was simple baseboard --- want to fancy it up - you can route the edges, use different trim, consider adding more to the center, build it out... the options are endless
All painted
The finished product
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Published July 25th, 2016 8:16 AM
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2 of 4 comments
Kim on Jul 01, 2017
You sound a lot like my husband, very experienced with working with existing homes where not everything is square, plumb, etc. Also knowledgeable about future moisture issues preventing a lot of work later (tearing a water-logged pillar out later and starting over) by keeping the boards a half-inch off the floor. GREAT JOB!
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