Deckbox to Litterbox

by Mary
2 Materials
I picked this old deck box up at Habitat for humanity for $20., because I wanted to have a place to keep, my litter box, and contain the dust, the mess, and be able to clean it with ease
I cleaned it with Dawn dish, soap and the hose, then let it dry out.
I cut an entrance in one end with a small hand saw, with no difficulty at all.
Next step was to spray paint.
View from side
I added a concrete mixing pan, for the litter box, because it is very sturdy. When I need to clean, I open the top, sit on a stool, and clean. It saves my back, and keeps all the dust inside.
Because I live in Florida, and the box is on my enclosed lanai, (porch) I don't want anyone to know that it is a litter box. This has been the easiest project, and has made life with a litter box, so much easier to live with. It is quite a large box, but you could choose a smaller one, if space is a problem. The concrete mixing pan comes in 2 sizes, in Home Depot. I have 3 cats, so I chose the large.
Suggested materials:
  • Deckbox   (Habitat for humanity)
  • Spray paint   (Home depot)
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  2 questions
  • S S on Sep 22, 2016
    Why did you paint it if you're covering it with a tarp?
  • Renee Renee on Sep 27, 2016
    I need this for my two varmints. Kidding, my Cats. The dust, litter gets everywhere. I stress about it everyday. I don't mind the cleaning, but it's overwhelming because I can't deal with the floors, dusting , moppping, vacuuming....everyday. I want to scream BUT, I L💕VE my Boo-Boos. This is awesome. I'm worried about finding a "deck box?"though. Any ideas? They come in different sizes? Please help🕙if you can, I really need to do this. Kind wishes, Renée.
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  • Wil33691986 Wil33691986 on Aug 08, 2018

    If you have the room, this is really brilliant! Thanks for sharing.


  • Heather Elizabeth Lahman Heather Elizabeth Lahman on Oct 26, 2018

    I am doing this project with in the next 2 weeks. I absolutely love it! I already have the deck box. Just need paint and a saw. Thank you for sharing your brilliant idea!!
