Hanging an antiuqe farm scythe

Lilli H
by Lilli H
I'm looking for ideas on how to hang an antique scythe. It needs to look nice as well as ensure that the scythe doesn't fall and hurt someone. The wall is dry wall and it will hang high in our great room.
  5 answers
  • Marion Nesbitt Marion Nesbitt on Jan 06, 2016
    I would attach L brackets with anchors to serve as a ledge for it to rest on and add a. couple more at top and side to help stabilize it into position. Then secure the scythe with heavy duty picture wire to the brackets (Or maybe solder it onto the brackets! lol)
  • Jean DeSavage Jean DeSavage on Jan 07, 2016
    I would think you would need to have a wire wrapped around the handle, just back of the head, and farther down the handle. The wires would need to have the ends twisted into "circles that a wall anchor could be put through to anchor into the wall. Also I would make sure that you try to make sure the anchors go into studs, which are usually 16 inches apart, according to code. I hope this helps!
  • Lisa Lisa on Jan 12, 2016
    If you can find 2 old hey hooks they would be perfect. Look them up on the internet.
  • Jean Jean on Jan 14, 2016
    I did this with a few antique items we found in our barn when we acquired our 140-year old farm. First use picture wire around the item. In two or three places twist picture wire around the item twice leaving enough left over in the back to shape into a loop for hanging. Twist together ends of wire and tuck tail out of the way. If you don't like the look of silver wire on wood you can carefully paint the wire the color of the item it is twisted around. I did this with a scythe and a small harrow. Then I predrilled the dry wall to match the pattern of the loops on the item, pushed plastic screw holders (the backs covered in Elmer's or carpenters glue) into the predrilled holes. Let dry overnight. Twist screws into the screw holders, leaving about a quarter of an inch above the rim of the screw holder. Then hang your item. You may have to adjust a little where the picture wire is laying around your item to fit the way it hangs. Pretty tidy and secure. There's another name for those plastic screw holder things but I can't think of it right now. But, good luck!
  • Laurie Powell Laurie Powell on Jan 14, 2016
    I also have one that I plan on hanging on the wall. I will hang it to look like an "L" on the wall, which stands for Laurie! Which also stands for live, love & laugh! I plan on drilling 2 small holes on the back side of the long piece of wood. Then put small screws into the holes. Now mark the heads of the screws with chalk. Once you know where you want it to hang, hold it against the wall to make chalk marks on your wall. Drill small holes where the chalk marks are & put screws in holes & hang. Good luck! :) Please share your picture!