Heavy rain caused concrete floor cracks to seep water?
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There's a special brush on sealant made especially for that. Check your local hardware store
Unfortunately, it sounds like you might have a bigger underlying problem. Your foundation is nothing to ignore. If you have water seeping up through the floor, you should really have a professional perform an inspection to determine the exact problem.
This doesn't sound like something you should try to remedy with a quick fix.
in SW Missouri we had the same problem. My basement was unfinished and about 1400 sf. It took a 1/4 HP sump pump w/Basin installed 40" deep, at a cost of about $900, but the problem was gone.
Here is an article that might help - http://www.uswaterproofing.com/learning-center/basement-floor-cracks-how-they-occur-and-why-they-seep-water
Rather than how to repair cracks, your question should be how to keep water from getting there in the first place as it will happen again. Is your land around the house sloped away from the house? Do you have gutters? You need to look into a French Drain, making a swale or something else to redirect water away from your house. If none of these things work, then a sump pump might be your anwer to control the water. Repairing the cracks is the last thing you do.
If it's an exceptional circumstance, you may Not have a problem... concrete cracks! But did it Break, or spall (get pitted on the surface) or heave (did one side of the crack rise above the other)
If this is truly exceptional rain, and a slow, exetended dry spell follows, the concrete may settle flat, and the crack will likely close up.
But SAL has a good methodology to inspect for sources of water... A french drain is a Solid solution if this is just seepage.
And I'll add one more potential headache... is there underground erosion... a hollow pocket beneath the slab? Gently hammering on the slab should produce a dull sound... if it echos even slightly (from the floor) you may have a hollowed out region.
Hi there, You can fill wide cracks with concrete crack filler in a caulk tube. Then you can resurface the floor.
This sounds like a structural problem. Consult a professional.
Hi Joe: Bummer :( But, there is hope :) You can use a product called liquid concrete https://www.homedepot.com/s/liquid%20concrete?NCNI-5. One thing I found very handy, was to warm up the container before squirting it into the cracks. It gets a bit watery, but will seep way down into the cracks instead of laying on top or just below the surface. I did my chimney cap a few years ago as water was coming into the fireplace. A customer told me about warming the container, so since it was cold out and the furnace was turning on, I just put the container in front of the vent :) Worked perfectly.
Hope this helps you.
Call in a specialized cooompany that does "Tanking " of basements to give you a price to do the job!