How can I change the colour of existing cork tiles?

by Ava

The house we've bought has cork tiles in excellent condition. They are coated with high gloss polyurethane. The colour is wrong for our colour scheme, but not sure what can be done to cork as it's flexible. Was going to tile this area (Kitchen and passage), but it seems a shame to cover the cork. Any ideas? Cheers

  5 answers
  • Lucy Marie Bernier Lucy Marie Bernier on Aug 30, 2018

    Best to use a prime and paint combination. Behr’s has a good guality and color.

  • Barb Reimer Barb Reimer on Aug 30, 2018

    I think I would sand it down good and put a good primer on them. You can then paint them any way you want with acrylic paint. I have painted on cork and used painting tape to create different patterns.

    You can use your imagination and make it a focal point of the house!

  • Heje Heje on Aug 30, 2018

    You would have to clean the surface and sand it to receive any finish that is put on it. Paint would be easier than stain but it is possible. Do some more research with manufacturers on what can be done.

  • Sherri Sherri on Aug 30, 2018

    Ava, how good is your surface? Could you clean the tiles well and use removable wallpaper? Or are the tiles on the floor? :) What do you think?

  • Ava Ava on Aug 30, 2018

    Thank you people - I wasn't sure as to whether you can paint cork without it cracking. Seeing it appears I can, I might look at paint and stencils. Thank you all so much.