Hoyer Lift

by Babygirl

Have a Hoyer Lift that i will be using in a bedroom but the problem that I’m going to have is that the bedroom has carpet and i have heard that they do not roll well on carpet so my question is what can i lay down over the carpet to make the hoer lift roll smoothly over the carpet a short distance

  6 answers
  • Deb Knisely Novakovic Deb Knisely Novakovic on Oct 04, 2018

    You can purchase a couple of chair matts that are used under desk chairs. They are available at Staples.

  • Cynthia H Cynthia H on Oct 04, 2018

    Hi! I've used a Hoyer Lift over the years, as a nurse,and received training. It should move well for you unless the carpet is very plush/padded. In that case, you might consider changing the flooring. I'm afraid putting another surface over carpet might make it unstable when you are moving the lift. I would suggest contacting the manufacturer about recommendations for surfaces the lift is safest on. Use the locks and the spreader base during transfers for stability. I hope you were provided training. If your family member is still receiving therapy, perhaps you could request safe transfer training to protect both yourself and the person you will be transferring.

  • William William on Oct 04, 2018

    I agree with Cynthia. As a former maintenance supervisor for a nursing home servicing the equipment. Hoyer lifts do move freely over carpet. Should not be used with anything underneath them. It will make them unstable especially with someone in it.

  • Amy9420792 Amy9420792 on Oct 05, 2018

    I think Cynthia H pointed out pretty much everything I was thinking! As long as the carpet is flat, smooth and in good condition, and all caregivers are well trained and can demonstrate their ability to use the lift correctly with the client, I think she had a great point reminding the importance of the safety of the one doing the transfer as well! Best wishes for smooth transfers! I'm a Physical Therapist Assistant and they can make life so much easier, but I'm glad you are thinking ahead! 😎

  • Pat Johnston Pat Johnston on Oct 05, 2018

    We too have an electric Hoyer. We also have carpet. Not knowing your brand of Hoyer, the size of the wheels and the fiber length in your carpet makes it difficult to answer your question completely. Here's our experience. It wasn't totally difficult to move the Hoyer when "loaded" but to make it easier we used a large hard plastic office mat. The weight of the patient needs to be considered.

  • Emingcas Emingcas on Jan 24, 2023

    Did you install the lift? How well it works now? I want to get one for my house, too, and it would be great to have a firsthand review