Caring for hibiscus and does wind hurt them
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Hi Melba,
Click below for an article about how to care for hibiscus. It doesn't say anything about wind, but I'll keep searching and get back to you if I find something. Wishing you the best.
Wind will hurt any plants, just depends on how windy? If a well established plant it may look a bit raggedy, but will survive. Use this chart and let us know how bad?
Hi Melba,
I read a few more articles and found ONE line about hibiscus and wind. This is all that it says "8. Too Windy Most of us do not realize the stress that wind places on plants. Wind dries them out and the result is yellow leaves."
Here's the website if you want to read the other tips on this website. plus I don't want to plagerize by copying from a website without the source. Again, wishing you the best.
I have mine in pots of short wheeled stands so that I can put them in the garage in cast of a bad storm, but mine have tolerated wind really well without loosing but a couple of leaves or wilting flowers. I needed mine portable, because obviously I need to take them in for the winter months.
which Hibiscus- Tropical or perennial?
keep them away from deer!