My orchids I got for Mother's Day are dying. Help!

by Gin17350586
  5 answers
  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on May 21, 2018

    They usually come in a decorative pot with an inner pot. They hate wet feet and live on minimal care. If yours is the two pot system, fill the pot with tepid water and soak for ten to fifteen minutes, take the inner pot out and let it drain well, then put it back into the empty decorative pot. Do this once a week to ten days and it should be fine. Do not use ice cubes to water despite the instructions to do so. Orchids originate in the rain forests up in the canopy where they attach to the bark of trees. They live off the humidity and what rain reaches them up there. Freezing cold water is not healthy for the roots. There are spray fertilizers for orchids that you spray on the leaves. The orchids flower only one to two times a year and last quite a while, then wilt and fall off. That doesn't mean the orchid is dying. Orchids don't need to be repotted but every few years or if the bark seems to be deteriorating. They like to be root bound, if you have roots on the surface, just mist them once in a while so they stay hydrated, it won't hurt them to be above the surface. They like sunny windows, ours love the south windows, very bright, but no direct sun. I hope this helps you! Any other questions, just ask, there are many people who have orchids out there.

  • Jow13078768 Jow13078768 on May 21, 2018

    don't overwater them, likes bright sun light, but filtered, only water when soil is dry to the touch, about 1 time a month. I have four of them and they are doing great, have them in the room facing east but filtered sun thru sheer curtains

  • Jane Ebest Ferrari Jane Ebest Ferrari on May 21, 2018

    Only water once a week. Place in a north facing window AWAY from A/C vents. Buy a spray bottle (that you use for absolutely nothing else) and mist flowers with water between watering. Less is more with orchids.

  • Hillela G. Hillela G. on May 22, 2018

    feed it 2 ice cubes a week