Azaleas in grocery stores

by Judywagner
Are the Azaleas that are offered around Mother's day, Easter, in grocery stores and Walmart type stores winter hardy? Are there two types of Azaleas- winter hardy or inside/greenhouse? I'm in zone 6a.
  6 answers
  • If there was no plant tag to specify the temps and growing conditions, then assume it is for zones 7b and higher. so they would do great in a pot and overwinter in a garage with a window or even indoors in a cool room. good luck
  • Elen Elen on May 21, 2015
    The azaleas we sell in my area (zone 6) are winter hardy
  • Kim Kim on May 21, 2015
    I have always planted these outside after receiving them as a gift - and they all survived and are thriving. I live in Northern Virginia.
  • Gerald Skipper Gerald Skipper on May 21, 2015
    I buy all my plants,shrubs,and trees from a local plant nursery.Never had a problem.
  • JBsez JBsez on May 21, 2015
    I have a huge azalea in bloom right now that was a Mother's Day gift ten years ago. It was in a small pot, maybe 10 - 12 inches, covered with purple foil, your typical supermarket offering. ..
  • FarmHer Hood FarmHer Hood on May 21, 2015
    The difference is if they are greenhouse grown or field grown. Greenhouse grown would be less tolerant of adverse conditions in the beginning. Field grown (from a nursery) would already be "hardened off" and tolerant of most conditions. Just make sure the top of the root ball are not smothered by soil, either when planting or in a pot.