Can you grow a calla lily inside under a LED grow light?

Sharon Texada
by Sharon Texada
I just bought this and didn't see the tag until I got home. I came to find out that it's a Calla Lily. My question is: can you grow them indoors under a LED grow light?
  10 answers
  • Ann Ann on Dec 16, 2015
    I have a beautiful calla lily sitting in my recreation room window. It gets the morning sun and it gets at least 12 hours of darkness at night and it blooms about 3 or 4 times a year.
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Dec 16, 2015
    yes you can grow them inside under the light ,but it may preform better with natural light if it is a possibility .Becareful not to overwater do so when the soil feels dry to the touch.
  • Lois Chalupsky Lois Chalupsky on Dec 16, 2015
    I live in zone 4. Every fall after the first frost, but before the ground freezes, I dig up the bulbs and store them in a cool dark place. In spring, I plant them back outside. They multiply each year. I have bulbs, from bulbs, that my mother planted 50 years ago. Just don't let them freeze.
  • Somewhat Quirky Somewhat Quirky on Dec 16, 2015
    My history with cala lilies is that they don't need a lot of light. I don't really think it needs a grow light.
    • See 1 previous
    • Heidi Heidi on May 26, 2018

      Is that true?? when I brought my calla lilies, they were blooming. I repotted it to a much bigger pot, and after a few days, all the flowers died, and the leaves turing yellow, even the new grow baby leaves turns yellow. I am sure I am not giving it too much water and not under water. My windows are facing north, so my lilies isnt getting any direct sunlights. So I thought lack of the sunlight is the problem...

  • Doni Doni on Dec 16, 2015
    I worked at a greenhouse years ago and they grew all sorts of plants indoors. Your grow light takes the place of sunlight during the winter months, but you got to be careful since several plants go dormit during the winter.
  • Chic tayao Chic tayao on Dec 16, 2015
    LED light indoors is okay to use for calla lilies because it's a shade plant. It will thrive as long as you don't over water. I have a variety that's about 18 inches tall that does not seem to produce bulbs. It's a very slow grower but great indoors because it absorbs pollutants.
  • Duv310660 Duv310660 on Dec 18, 2015
    We have always overwintered our tropicals in a cool but very sunny room. This year we switched the 2 regular bulb ceiling fixtures for LEDs (note not a growth set up, just 2 ceiling fixtures. We're still in the early days of winter, but I can tell you the huge boston fern, begonia, bird of paradise and ginger plant definitely like the supplemental light.
  • Stephen Taylor Stephen Taylor on Dec 19, 2015
    We have loads of these (they almost grow like weeds here) but when we lived in the UK they were an indoor plant and thrived in artificial light. Sometimes called Christmas lilies as they usually flower in December
    • Sharon Texada Sharon Texada on Dec 20, 2015
      Thank you Stephen.. I hope I'm using the right kind of lighting I am using the LED grow lights and have them on for about 8 + hours a day
  • Wendy Ann Short Wendy Ann Short on Dec 26, 2015
    Very Pretty
  • Nancy Clark Sanders Nancy Clark Sanders on Dec 27, 2015
    I receive a very large one several years ago. I move it outside on my patio (Not in hot direct sunlight the plant cannot tolerate it ) in the summer and move it to a window during the winter. I have had no problems with it. As a matter of fact it continues to grow and need s to be split and repotted. I feed it organic indoor fertilizer once every two to three months. I water it until the water is going into the pots tray. I usually water it every two to three weeks. Hope this helps