How can I transplant a huge azalea bush from my yard to another yard?

by Emm18105456
  3 answers
  • Hillela G. Hillela G. on May 30, 2017

    Deciduous azaleasare best transplanted in their dormant season- check it out

  • 861650 861650 on May 30, 2017

    A true story. An apartment complex near my house pulled up all the azalea bushes (with ropes and a backhoe) one summer and dumped them at a dead-end street and down a hill. A few days went by. I drove right over there and rescued 10 of them and replanted them and made sure they were watered well through the rest of the summer. Did not cut them back until after they bloomed the next spring. The reason is because it was July and the blooms for the following year was already forming even though you can't really see them. I also fed them after trimming them back. Eventually I moved and took them with me. Really!

  • Ellis Ellis on May 31, 2017

    Bravo for saving them. A builder did the same thing near me, and I wanted to cry. They were very old and the star of the neighborhood. The sad thing is, most of them were so big, I couldn't save them because I couldn't move them. Builder just threw them in a dumpster. I did manage to get some periwinkle, though.