How do you plant and care for milkweed plants food for butterflies?

  4 answers
  • Henriette Hall Henriette Hall on Mar 10, 2019

    I scratch the soil using a rake--lightly water broadcast seeds--lightly water again and enjoy---remember--this is the only nectar and way to re-produce for the Monarch Butterfly !!

  • Linda Sikut Linda Sikut on Mar 10, 2019

    Hi Catherine,

    Here's an article from one of my favorite garden websites that should help you. Wishing you the best.

  • Columbia GB Columbia GB on Mar 10, 2019

    It depends on whether you're planting seeds or plant pieces. If seeds, this website has instructions on how to stratify and sow.

    If you're planting pieces, just place them in the ground at the previous soil level. You should loosen the soil and make sure it's a good loamy soil since these plants are most often found in woodlands. Keep the area moist, but not continually wet.

    I'm not entirely certain, but I believe mine may have gone into hiding for awhile, maybe even until next season and then they showed up in a different spot. This is common with native plants. While 'hiding' they are actually developing their new root system. So, be patience...

    Also, be aware Milkweed travels underground and plants will pop up in other places. However, it is not invasive and very easy to control. I had mine in a wild flower garden, so it didn't matter if they moved around each season; always a joy to see them come up!

    Good luck!

  • D ALEXANDER D ALEXANDER on Mar 11, 2019

    This is an excellent site, part of the University of Kansas Monarch butterfly conservation program:

    And they would love to have you harvest some seed at the end of the summer, and send it on to them as part of their seed propagation program.