Asked on Feb 18, 2014

Rain Garden Plants Zone 8a

by Terry
I need some rain garden plant suggestions for zone 8a. The area that I have in mind floods completely in heavy rain storms and may hold water for 24-48 hours. I would prefer perennials over annuals.
  5 answers
  • Douglas Hunt Douglas Hunt on Feb 19, 2014
    Here are some suggestions taken from a Powerpoint presentation, Rain Gardens in Home Landscapes, by the University of Georgia: Shrubs: •Winterberry • Arrowwood •Buttonbush • Summersweet Clethra •Wax Myrtle •Chokeberry •American Beautyberry •Bottlebrush Buckeye •Inkberry •Oakleaf Hydrangea •Virginia Sweetspire •Some native azaleas Perennials: •Aster •Blackeyed Susan •Lobelia •Northern Sea Oats •Cardinal Flower •Goldenrod •Ironweed •Joe Pye Weed •Rose or SwampMallow •Swamp Milkweed •Royal Fern •Cinnamon Fern •Netted Chain Fern •Broad Beech Fern •Canna Lilies• Yellow Flag Iris •Rushes• St. John’s Wort •Foam Flower •White Arrow Arum •Jack-in-the-Pulpit The whole presentation is available here:
  • Terry Terry on Feb 19, 2014
    Thank you. That information has been useful already.
    • Annie Hill Annie Hill on Jan 19, 2018

      Thank you do much for information. We have an area that also holds water

  • Debbie Darche Debbie Darche on Feb 20, 2014
    Terry, a few other suggestions Deciduous hollies, fothergilla-great fall color, swamp sunflowers, Louisiana and Japanese irises, native honeysuckle and a lot of other natives that will do fine if there is plenty of sun. Some of my prettiest clumps of butterfly weed are near the edge of a pond that when it is real wet, they may be at the edge of the water for weeks or months. The amount of sunlight this area gets will make a huge difference on what works as well as how dry the spot can get in the summer if you can't water. For example, I have a spot that looks perfect for Joe-Pye and I have planted it at least 6-8 times and it does fine until we have a dry summer and then it is gone. I am just east of Birmingham so same conditions as you.
  • Laurie Kimont Laurie Kimont on Apr 04, 2022

    I have a client who wants a garden where 3-4" of water sits. Can I do a rain garden there? It takes a long time to drain. Zone 4-5 and wants trees perennials and shrubs.