What are these seeds?
I ordered some lemongrass seeds, and as a "bonus", the company sent me another little packet of seeds with no identification or planting instructions. Can anyone help me figure this out? The seeds are very flat, very hard and have a glossy finish.
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They look like milkweed seeds, or flax seeds (and these are guesses only)
Milkweed are what Monarch butterflies eat to become a butterfly. They can be quite aggressive in their growth.
Flax seeds grow pretty blue flowers. The stems are used in making linen,
I think you'll have to plant them and be surprised.
If it's milkweed you have a medicine for poison Ivy. Just break off a leaf and rub the sap on the Ivy blisters.
Where did you get them from(country) it might be an invasive species----contact them and ask before you plant them.Flax is smaller and skinnier(about the size of his ponytail) looks like a type of Acacia tree seed,Milkweeds are papery around the edges heres pic https://www.americanmeadows.com/blog/2017/09/11/plant-milkweed-seed-fall/
Oh I would not worry about it at all! Germinate them (you can safely put them in the refrigerator overnight in case they need to be cold activated). Put them in a pot until they grow large enough that you know what they are.
Surprise!!! 😎🌻🌼👀😍
I bet you got them from China! This one company sends a “free gift” with purchases. I’ve gotten lentils (as in dried BEANS) from China, even though I ordered flower seeds!!! I am going to suggest that the seeds in question are either Loofa, Watermelon, or a squash of some kind! I’m saying it’s a melon of some type...! Please let me know what they are...?!? 😊 I’m planting/tending a garden right now for my students! I’m going to have to tend it all summer because I made the commitment to them! I am a Physical Education Teacher for middle schoolers in the intercity and most of them have never seen or had a garden, let alone tend, weed, sowing seeds, watering, fertilizing, etc.!! I plan on teaching my students how to harvest, wash/clean their bounty, prep the veggies, cook, eat and share their bounty with our supportive Principal, Mr. Rembert! So your question triggered these thoughts! Sorry to ramble on...!🤭 Again please let me know what you get after you plant! How exciting!
thank you,
Can you contact the company?
I am thinking squash family as well, as to what plant you will just have to wait and see.
Looks like Pumpkin seed to me. Would like to know what comes up!
They look like watermelon seeds to me :)
Thanks, everyone! I planted them, so we shall see.
I don't know
these are senna seeds
Look rather like apple pips, but maybe not!
Hi Carol: They look a bit like watermelon seeds.
I have no idea, but I would put them in a pot and plant and see what comes up. You could call the company and ask.