What's wrong with my kalanchoe?

by Asy33752464

Hello! I was wondering if anyone could help me figure out what's wrong with my kalanchoe blossfeldiana. I got it last September and it's been doing fine so far. I'm keeping it on a windowsill - Eastern sun. During the fall, winter and spring I was watering it once every 2 weeks, now that it's summer I'm watering it once a week. I water it thoroughly so that the water drains through pot holes.

However, for the past month or so the leaves have been developing dark small spots on the undersides. Some of the leaves are also drying, curling and turning yellow/brown. A few of them have already fallen off. I can't figure out what's wrong with the plant, especially with the dark spots on leaves (pics added). I went to google it but got no definitive answer as there are so many possibilities. Can anyone help me?

  2 answers
  • Joa7505594 Joa7505594 on Jul 07, 2018

    Cut it back now. I cut mine put in window

    facing south.


  • Donna Marie Herzwurm Donna Marie Herzwurm on Jul 08, 2018

    After awhile you need to cut down Kalanchoes, they will grow back. Trust me u can't kill this plant unless u over water them.

    • Asy33752464 Asy33752464 on Jul 08, 2018

      How far back do I need to cut it? Do I need to cut back all the stems or...? I'm a complete amateur cause this is my first flower.

      Also I decided I'm gonna water it once every 2 weeks cause I suspect the reason for dark spots is overwatering. They started to appear when I began to water the plant once a week.