What type of grass is this?

by Rosie
I know there are different types of grass out there and I want to know what type of grass this is so I can purchase the right seeds etc. (or is this just weed?!).

Also for anyone who has experience handling lawns, do you think I can trim this with a manual lawn mower such as Scotts 14" or 18" reel mower? Thanks.
  2 answers
  • You have a combination of grass and weeds. Take this photo to your best local nursery and they will suggest the best seed for your area and will guide you as to best apply with current conditions. If the space is not too large, try and kill as many weeds as you can beforehand. Boiling water works like magic, and is practically free, so fire up that tea kettle, and have at it. Mowing is up to you, as long as the blades are sharp and the correct height, go for it. Free exercise, no gym membership required. 🌞

  • It looks like Kentucky bluegrass to me. Buy a Kentucky bluegrass mix....it will have some perrenial rye and fine fescue in it as well as different types of bluegrass. Keep it moist, it can take a couple of weeks to germinate. Yes, a manual reel mower will be fine.