When can I plant tomatoes in Fresno CA?

by Debra
  3 answers
  • Dfm Dfm on Mar 07, 2019

    When you have free of any frost, and the temps are in the 60’s.

  • You are zone 9b, the same as me. I already set out my first round of tomato plants at the end of February. I would hold off and wait to see what happens with the next round of storms and wait until they pass. The storms approaching are colder, which could harm seedlings if not protected.


  • Debra Debra on Mar 07, 2019

    thanks. that helps. i'm going to wait another two weeks and then get them out. any suggestions as to variety? does it matter?

    • Grow what you like to eat. I always grow a cherry or grape variety, Roma - perfect for salads, beefsteak for grilling and sandwiches, San Marzano for making tomato based sauces. The San Marzano I have to start from seed, the plants are horrendously expensive. I love tomatoes in any way shape or form. I can eat a bowl of cherry or grape tomatoes as a snack.