Scraped the popcorn ceiling, now what?

by Jeannie
After the old popcorn is scraped off the ceiling can I just paint it, or is there another step? It is not as smooth as the photo makes it look.
  3 answers
  • Debi53 Debi53 on May 22, 2016
    If you want it to look right, you need to have a sheetrock specialist to put a skim coat on it and sand it smooth.. I would not recommend this as a DIY project, because there is an art to making this smooth. It shouldn't be expensive to have this done.
  • Anna M.S. Anna M.S. on May 22, 2016
    I agree with debi53. That is what I've seen done on several of the DIY/HGTV shows (Property Brothers and Fixer Upper). I would try a search on You Tube, also. I hope you did not have asbestos in that popcorn finish. Did you test, first? My home came with "knocked down" ceiling and orange peal walls. The knocked down surface covers inconsistencies in the ceilings surface perfectly. Even as a beginner, I have been able to duplicate both of those surfaces using a spray can product bought at the paint store on wall repairs, but I would not try a ceiling. The professionals have tools and plaster to do a perfect job.
  • William William on May 23, 2016
    I also agree with debi53 and Anna! You will need to have a skim coat put on by a drywall pro. In the past, I removed a lot of popcorn ceilings, patched, and skin coated. It was time consuming and costly for my clients. About fifteen years ago, 1/4" thick drywall was manufactured to solve the problem of having to remove popcorn and "knockdown" ceilings, patching, and skim coating. Comes in 4' x 10' sheets, screw them up, patch the seams, crown molding in the corners, prime, paint and a new ceiling. Less work, less time, less cost.
    • Anna M.S. Anna M.S. on May 23, 2016
      @William Thanks William. I didn't know that the drywall I've seen on the TV shows was only 1/4" think. I'd forgotten that on at least one show the popcorn ceiling was just covered with new drywall. I've learned something today, thanks to you.