Can I apply stick & peel backsplash on a stucco texture wall?

by Gra14724722
  8 answers
  • Jewellmartin Jewellmartin on Jun 15, 2017

    The short answer is Yes, But. The best way would be to sand all of the stucco away, clean, prime, apply the backsplash, apply and clean the grout, and seal it all. Let it cure for a few days, keeping moisture away.

    A lazy man's way would be to smooth the surface out with your grouting material, apply the backsplash, grout and clean, seal, and keep everyone away. Best wishes 😇

  • Elaine Elaine on Jun 18, 2017

    If it's a very rough stucco finish, my answer would be a "no" because there isn't much flat surface on which the "peel & stick" can cling. However, if you sand the stucco down to a flatter, more even surface, removing all the loose bits and dust, it should work BUT it will be a messy, hard job. Good luck!

  • Gra14724722 Gra14724722 on Jun 19, 2017

    Stuco is not very rough mostly flat. Do I remove paint before applying backsplash?

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Jan 02, 2023

    No! Not as it is!!

  • Redcatcec Redcatcec on Jul 19, 2023

    The peel and stick needs a solid surface to cling to, you have 2 options:

    Sand the wall until it is smooth


    Fill in the stucco

    No need to remove the paint from the back splash, just give it a sanding so the peel and stick tiles have something to stick to.

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Jul 21, 2023

    No! it will not stick and stay put!

  • It won't stay put over the long haul. You definitely need to prep that surface and remove the stucco. I would consult your local paint pros to find out what you can use to prepare the surface.