What is the best way to remove shelf liner residue from cabinets?
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A product like Goo Gone should take it right off.
I would use mineral spirits.
Goo Gone definitely.
wd-40 always works for me on glue type residue - try a plastic spatula or plastic knife to get stuck parts up
I can try just afraid the paint will be damaged.
Jan Lee.. I am desperately looking for an answer as well. Plz fwd me info if u find something that works. Lands1502@yahoo
Try OOPS, Mineral Spirits, hair dryer, olive oil.
The best thing I found that worked was a flexible scraper. I bought it at Harbor Freight. Make sure you get the flexible one (not rigid). I pulled up the liner then scraped off the stuck on residue. Some drawer bottoms scratched, and I did go back and repaint. But, some came out okay. It's a good bit of work though. I finally just left the liner on some of my top cabinets. Good luck!
Try vinegar and water...that's my go to method.