Can i whitewash my black painted fireplace??

by Kristi
Fireplace is painted black. I want to whitewash it but not up for sandblasting or stripping the paint off these bricks...can this be done? If Once this is done, what color should I do the surround, mantle and tile?
  5 answers
  • Shoshana Shoshana on Nov 01, 2017

    Definitely! It will even enhance the look I think.

    • Kristi Kristi on Nov 05, 2017

      It took a little planning but here is the finished look...what do u think? We have the opening covered so our cat doesn't get lost in the chimney lol

      comment photo
  • Kristi Kristi on Nov 01, 2017

    That was a very helpful video! Thank you so much! I'll be trying this very soon!

  • Shoshana Shoshana on Nov 06, 2017

    I love how it came out! It looks great Kristi

    Totally brightens up the space

    • Kristi Kristi on Nov 06, 2017

      Thank U! I was so nervous about doing it and i ended up repainting it to get the look i wanted but I'm so glad I went for it.

  • Mar Mar on Nov 06, 2017

    it looks awesome! i have an oak fireplace surround / mantle around our gas firebox, which i would love to paint white. Does the paint need to be fire retardant? i would also want to insert tiles exactly where you tiled your fireplace .

    • See 1 previous
    • Mar Mar on Nov 06, 2017

      Thanks for your reply Kristi. i will only be painting the oak surround and i think one of the paint companies has white in their fire retardant line. I will check it out :)

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Jan 23, 2023

    Great Job! Well done.