How can I update this 30 year-old hanging light?

by Sue

The ugly light is hanging in my dining room. Please help. Thank you!

  13 answers
  • After removing the fixture, you could tape off the glass parts and spray paint it with chalk paint that matches your decor. Kilz makes a very good spray chalk paint.

  • Tinyshoes Tinyshoes on Sep 12, 2019

    Sue....You can make it into a Tiffany lamp. Check your local Hobby Lobby or craft store for the necessary items you need as well as Google to see some of the lamps that have been made. If you decide to go this route please send a before (as here) and an after so we can see your beautiful new lamp! Good luck!

  • Linda Linda on Sep 12, 2019

    I have the exact light fixture that came with my house I just purchased and I literally hate it. I’m going to try the Tiffany idea. Thanks.

    • Sue Sue on Sep 12, 2019

      Yes, I just moved. Time to start all over again. The house is a blank slate but so is my bank account.

  • Gk Gk on Sep 12, 2019

    I am wondering if you can take out the glass panels. If you could, it would look nice spray painted in black--all the gold parts. Replace the tapered lights with round light bulbs. I think it might give this light fixture more of a farmhouse wire look if you like that look. It may make it too flimsy and bendable however--if I had it here I could make that decision! I think almost everyone I know has had that same light fixture in their house!

  • Dee Dee on Sep 12, 2019

    I had the same light with blue glass in every other pane. I took it down, still have it in storage LOL I would prime it and paint it oil rubbed bronze, [Rustoleum] and find some edison bulbs for the inside.

    • See 3 previous
    • Dee Dee on Sep 13, 2019

      The edison bulbs would update with the bronze lights.

  • William William on Sep 12, 2019

    Remove the lamp. Tape off the glass with blue painters tape and spray paint the brass black or oil rubbed bronze with Rustoleum 2X spray paint. Cover the glass with stain glass contact paper or paint fake stained glass with craft glass paint.

  • Changing the brass to matte black or rubbed oil bronze finish would really update it, cord and chain included. Then get the customized bulbs in the appropriate size for your fixture.

  • Chris Lim Chris Lim on Sep 13, 2019

    Some great ideas. If you really don't like it and considering the costs add up for projects I might say look for a good bargain sale. Or if you don't use the lampshade and can remove it - not sure just use the base. Paint it with black chalk paint or go funky and p aint it white or some cool color like turquoise and buy or make "crystal" ornaments or glass ornaments and hang from it.

  • Dmholt4391 Dmholt4391 on Sep 13, 2019

    With all that said, After you figure out what to do w/ the frame you might also consider putting a light fixture that would fit inside the existing fixture instead of the multi light one in it now.

  • Gurpreet ( GARRY) Gurpreet ( GARRY) on Sep 16, 2019

    Hi Sue,

    Firstly, your light is not ugly, its a 30 years old beauty so don't ruin it by altering its color/ shape.

    Simply get the brass buffed and laminated to maintain its glitter.

    Use Edison bulbs in it to retain its vintage looks. I could give you many more ideas to make it look modern but at what cost... losing its vintage looks.

  • Jessica Green Jessica Green on Sep 21, 2019

    I would remove the "shade" part and paint the base black. Then find some round wood pieces (maybe embroidery hoops?) to go around the base. Google wood and metal light fixtures for inspiration.

  • Deb K Deb K on Dec 11, 2022

    Hello Sue, hop[e this helps you out.

  • Janice Janice on Sep 02, 2024

    Remove the glass entirely and paint whatever color desired, then add clear round bulbs for a more modern look. Hang onto the glass parts in case you later want to change back or sell it.