Landscaping a cabin in the woods

by Pat26993278
  5 answers
  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Mar 31, 2018

    Wild bluebells and Primroses come to mind..........

  • Pjo26908388 Pjo26908388 on Mar 31, 2018

    Use native plants to the area (Rhoddies, ferns, fuschia, etc.) and conifers of differing size and shape.

    Adding interesting hardscapes such as fallen trees and rock bubbling fountains along with other natural materials.

    Other plants will struggle if they are not used to the forest environment. Use what reflects the nature around you. Colorful planting can be done in pots on a deck or patio, but I like pots to be of similar color for continuity.

  • Pam1418628 Pam1418628 on Mar 31, 2018

    Yeah. ..go out into the woods to find pretty trees and plants native to your area.'s like shopping for free..I did that at my first home. was fun, free and everything stayed alive because it was used to the environment already 😁

  • DesertRose DesertRose on Mar 31, 2018

    Keep it natural! You might consider large round river stones (like the size of a coffee mug or little bigger) to line the path to the house, wild roses near the cabin, daffodils, raspberries, blackberries, apple trees, will all bring in deer and other wildlife to enjoy. You might consider making a comfortable sitting area with wood and fire pit out in the front yard to set an atmosphere and enjoy roasting marshmallows etc. I would put up a buck and pole fence (no post holes to dig!) around the property or yard if you own the lot. Have plenty of roasting sticks available at all times, wood stacked under a roof of a porch or some other cover, and hang some artifacts on the outside wall for atmosphere like snow shoes, big galvanized tub and such, even an old laundry scrub board (my son found me one for my laundry room in an old trading post family store)etc. Don't worry about typical things like lawn or flower beds except some bulbs like the daffodils and wild roses. If you live where holly hocks grow you might plant some down along the fence line. You might want a vine or two of honeysuckle. I am not familiar where you live so whatever grows wild in your area for flowers. We would plant lilac bushes. Just some thoughts.