How can you get rid of gophers in the yard and garden?

by Jc-30667159
I think they are pocket gophers. You rarely see them and when you do it's just the top of their head when they are pushing dirt out of their burrows. When they are finished you can't see the burrow, just a mound of dirt. They do a good job of plugging the burrow tunnels. I have gopher traps and I did finally catch one but they usually manage to just cover the trap with dirt of set it off without getting caught. I read someplace that they don't like coffee grounds so I have been spreading that all around the dirt mounds but so far that hasn't helped.

  4 answers
  • Cheryl Cheryl on Jan 01, 2018

    All natural and biodegradeable. Find someone with a ferret or your nearest ferret shelter. Get ferret poop and stuff it down the holes. Ferrets are gophers natural enemy. The gophers smell the ferret poop and run for the hills. We tried this at my apartment complex, it works. I donated the poop, well my kids

  • SUZY SUZY on Jan 02, 2018

    I have 2 dogs, so I use the dog droppings and it works every time. Just put the poop down the holes and you shouldn't see them again. It may take a few times as they will most likely try a new location for their gopher holes, so since I have a constant supply of dog poop, I just keep doing it until they don't return.

    • Jc-30667159 Jc-30667159 on Feb 20, 2018

      Thanks for the reply but they are pocket gophers so they don't leave holes, just a mound of dirt. Also, we don't have a dog. I have been spreading coffee grounds around their digging areas and also human urine from an outdoor "pee-only" toilet but they are still here.

  • If you or if you know anyone who has snakes, keep the skin when they shed and place a good long piece in each in hole. They won't be back. Tried and true!

    • See 1 previous
    • Kinda like Whack a Mole! Luckily I have 2 sons that will stay up all night when it's Raccoon season to play "Raccoon Hunter". I have the same exact problem with raccoons. Except they are MEAN. Tried everything from havahart traps to coyote urine - when they killed my Great Dane all bets were off. No more trying to keep be humane - only good raccoon is a dead one.