How do I keep my holyhocks from taking over my other flowers? Thank u

by Val33291529
  3 answers
  • Rowgop (Pam) Rowgop (Pam) on Sep 04, 2018

    Val... here is a YouTube video explaining

  • They do spread like crazy! The best thing you can do is cut them back or dig them up and give them away to friends.

  • Vimarhonor Vimarhonor on Sep 04, 2018

    Hello Val, self-seeding plants like hollyhocks can cause an explosion in the garden.

    You may wish to consider dividing up your plants and sharing with friends and neighbors. Cutting out dividing up some of your plants would help control the invasion of new plants. Here’s a helpful link for your consideration.

    Hope this helps.

    per the source below

    Hollyhocks self-sow, so once you have introduced them they should spring up of their own volition, but they will creep to the sunny, open front of the bed. Watch out for this and dig some up and put them further back out of the limelight to get a balanced sweep. Don't transfer them directly, though – they need a short spell of TLC.

    Dig up self-sown seedlings and pot them into a 3in pot. Once the roots have filled it, move them on into a slim, deep pot to accommodate the tap root. At Sleightholmedale in Yorkshire where there is a wonderful Hollyhock display, plants are grown on until they're well established before being planted out towards the back of the border.