Asked on May 12, 2018

Keeping honey bees out of my water fountain.

by Rna31080745
Our neighbor has added bee hives in his field. Swarms of honey bees are coming to our water fountain.. any ideas how to deter them from our fountain... it is on our deck.

  13 answers
  • Joc30056477 Joc30056477 on May 12, 2018

    Is this drinking water or a decorative fountain? If decorative, you can place a capful of bleach every week or two and it should do the trick and keep algae from setting in!

  • Deb K Deb K on May 12, 2018

    Oooh, you may have to put some water further away for them, or ask your neighbors to provide some water for them. They are likely thirsty

  • If no fish or living plants in fountain, add vinegar. Amount depends on size. They do not like the taste or scent, they will go elsewhere.

  • D fuhrman D fuhrman on May 12, 2018

    honey bees have been declining in their numbers. i would be happy to have them come to my fountain. maybe contact the owner to see what her says.

  • 27524803 27524803 on May 12, 2018

    The only way we have found to keep them out of our fountain.. is to give them a water source closer to the hive.... we keep a faucet on dribble...further out in the yard.. for all the critters..... also... I have just done a Google search: How to keep bees out of a fountain... it said to add just enough vinegar to notice the scent... too much however can kill the bees.

  • William William on May 12, 2018

    I agree with Naomie. Vinegar will deter them and they will go elsewhere. They are gathering the water to cool down the hive. Your neighbor should do something to provide the bees with water.

  • Mogie Mogie on May 12, 2018

    Try adding vinegar to your fountain but have a water supply for them that is located away from your deck. D is right they are declining in numbers and that directly effects us.

  • Yvonne Yvonne on May 12, 2018

    The bees are thirsty!! Ask your neighbor to supply a water source, a shallow dish with straw or rocks so they don't drown. Vinegar is nasty!! Don't do that!

  • Rna31080745 Rna31080745 on May 12, 2018

    I am glad to have them..but not swarming around where we sit and enjoy company!

  • Jud32099434 Jud32099434 on May 13, 2018

    They are thirsty. Take a shallow pan or pot saucer , place some small stones or marbles in it and place it away from your areas

    closer to your neighbors and fill full of water. Keep it filled and the bees will go there for their drink and leave you alone.

  • Ann Ann on Jul 02, 2018

    We have hives in our yard...they are 25 feet from a half acre pond.....but they fly over my house about 100 yards to my fountain......they are not thirsty....i guess i will try vinegar....don’t think it will hurt the dogs

  • Rosemary Holland Rosemary Holland on Jun 23, 2020

    I have a bird bath that is now filled with gravel, And 2 five gallon buckets, with corks on top to keep my bees away from my neighbors pool. Can I put a capful of bleach in the bird bath to keep the algae from growing?