Adding attached greenhouse between garage and house

by Kalsti
I am thinking of adding a covered passage between my garage and house. Would a greenhouse kit work for this? It would need two doors -- one at each end. Any ideas on the easiest and least expensive way to do this? Thanks!
  5 answers
  • I am not sure that would be the best option. Look at the clear, metal, or colored roofing panels that are in the roofing section of your local home store. Building a nice treated wood frame between the buildings and use the existing doors. then use the roofing panels to help enclose the frame using the clear and colored and intermixed with the treated plywood so you can make it look nice since those roofing panels are corrugated and are not easy to cut so you can use the plywood to build out openings that the roof panels can enclose without cutting. did that make sense?LOL Just a thought.
  • Kalsti Kalsti on Jan 27, 2014
    Thanks CRenee~ I will try to check out the panels in the roofing sections to see what you are describing, but this sounds good.
  • Cynthia E Cynthia E on Jan 27, 2014
    I have 2 green houses made from the semi transparent roofing panels (a friend built these for us). Although not super easy to cut it can be done with a saw, but if you have dimensions for doors etc. The box stores will cut for you for a nominal or no fee.
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  • Kalsti Kalsti on Jan 27, 2014
    Cynthia these are so cute! I think maybe now do a frame with 2x4's and insert 3 large old glass windows I saved from this house remodel. Love your doors! Thanks!
  • Kalsti Kalsti on Jan 27, 2014
    The section that I am looking at adding is very exposed to (hurricane force) winds and rain at times...Hmmm.