How do you paint a checkerboard on s terra cotta flower pot?
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First paint over the flower pot with white latex paint. Then tape off the squares and paint the squares you want colored the different color. Finish with a sealer coat of paint
Paint the entire pot in the light color. When dry, use a narrow brush or foam applicator and paint stripes in the dark color from top to bottom. Let dry. Then again with dark color, carefully go around in circles around the pot. If you have a lazy Susan it helps to keep the lines straight.
The above answers are great and with this project painters tape will be your hero
If the pot is tapered you can not have the same sized squares all the way down. You would have to taper them to match the slope of the pot.
You can buy checkerboard stencils at Hobby Lobby or Walmart.
You can paint the whole thing one color and then use paint tape to create your squares.
You can buy checkerboard stencils at Hobby Lobby or Walmart. Is there a video to show you how to paint a large 18x18x18 Checkerboards planting pot.