Best way to strip mahogany furniture?

by Sur16130894
  3 answers
  • Dfm Dfm on Mar 09, 2018

    the way any furniture is stripped...carefully. You need a stripping agent and a flat blade scraper. My personal favorite to strip furnature is citri strip. There are others, use what your budget allows. If the piece is curved, steel wool instead of scraper.

    Read package for directions on how to use and to dispose of. You will need to clean off the residue of the stripping agent..I use rubbing alcohol on a cloth. Some blast it with a hose...but I don’t recommend it the water can raise the wood grain. Once you get the piece clean, let it dry. Then it’s ready for the new finish.

  • Cindy Cindy on Mar 09, 2018

    You need to apply a stripper. Wait for long as the instructions say. Then scrape off. Wipe it down with damp cloth. Allow to sit at least a day. Then stain.