How can I update our cherry wood bedroom furniture without painting?

by Valorie

We have a cherry bedroom suite (from the 90’s- it was high end at that time so don’t judge) that I would like to bring up to date. I really can’t stand the thoughts of painting it (it’s in great shape and I love to paint but I refuse to paint this). Any ideas?

  8 answers
  • Pat Pat on Aug 22, 2019

    How about new handles or pulls? Is the mirror attached? Use an on the wall mirror instead. Put a pretty scarf on the dresser and chest. Pretty lamps, New bedding, New artwork will make a difference to the bedroom furniture also.

  • Linda Sikut Linda Sikut on Aug 22, 2019

    Hi Valorie,

    I'd do a deep clean on it then look online and the colors used in ads for cherry wood bedroom furniture. I see a lot of white, eggshell, various grays, taupe and even a soft blue used in comforters/pillows etc. Pick up clues on the latest trends from those images of ads and build your look using them as a guide. I'm not saying copy any room exactly as you see it, but rather use it as your inspiration. Even something like an extra blanket draped at the bottom of the bed can give it some pop. I hope this helps you. Wishing you the best.

  • Joy Elizabeth Joy Elizabeth on Aug 27, 2019

    I agree with bedding and decor color that complement the cherry finish.

    Or, you could apply a gel stain on top of the existing finish to give it a deeper color without painting. There are tons of furniture makeovers using General Finishes gel stain.

  • Deb K Deb K on Jan 16, 2023

    Hi Valorie, hop[e this helps you out.

    You could start by changing out the hardware, or painting the hardware. Add throws or other type of material to the top of dressers, and even onto the headboard to change up the look a bit.

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Apr 05, 2023

    If you don't like it anymore, Sell it and buy new Secondhand you do like!

  • You can update the handles or you could add furniture transfers. They come in all different patterns and styles and they are super easy to apply.

  • Mogie Mogie on May 01, 2023

    New bedding and hardware will help. Then clean and oil the set all that should make a huge difference.