How can I convert an entertainment center into a China hutch?

by Colleen

I want take the center of an entertainment center abs make into a buffet. Any suggestions?

  5 answers
  • Lifestyles Homes Lifestyles Homes on Aug 04, 2019

    A picture would be very helpful. I’m not visualizing what you mean. Are you going to cut out this “center” section and discard the rest? Are you needing to put a door on it?

    I’ve tons of ideas, but For now we’ll do some planning:

    Think about how much weight will be on the shelves. My buffet is quite full and therefore very heavy and the MDF in the base failed where they attached the leveling feet.

    Therefore MDF shelves will eventually sag/warp if the span is long and way overloaded. I would use A/B birch or oak veneer plywood for shelves if they’re longer than 30”.

    Think about how the shelves will be supported- what are the side panels of the center made from? They’re probably melamine or “foil” over particle board or MDF. Drilling holes in it for shelf “pins” will be ok for light loads, but over time, heavy loads will wear the holes larger & possibly spall.

  • Yes, please attach a photo of the entertainment center. I would get some plate stands to display plates on, baskets for storing dishes, linens.

  • Deb K Deb K on Aug 05, 2019

    Hi Colleen, hope this link gives u some ideas

  • Cynthia H Cynthia H on Aug 05, 2019

    Fixed shelves instead of the open space and moveable shelves would change it.

  • Linda Linda on Aug 10, 2019

    Paint it and display your china inside.