Can you paint over wallpaper?

by Sandy

Or can you add shiplap / wood products?? The wallpaper isn't peeling and appears to be adhered well ... just don't care for it.

  2 answers
  • Darla Darla on Jan 27, 2019

    It's not recommended that you paint over wallpaper as the paint will loosen the glue on the wallpaper and then it will come loose. I have tried it on a small out of the way area and did peal up the edges of the paper.

    I would think you could put shiplap over it without a problem as you aren't wetting the wallpaper. Haven't tried it though and I am not an expert on shiplap so I may be wrong.

  • You can paint over wallpaper . . . But it isn't advisable as that paper will eventually need to come down and will be much much harder to do so once painted. If you want shiplap or beadboard, that is an excellent way to cover the wallpaper you do not care for.