Can you whitewash a painted brick fireplace?
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If the grey paint has a sheen to it, it may not whitewash well. I would try a small spot and see if it works. If not, paint it white!
Take an old ragged t Shirt and weaken down the white paint and fgo for it.
Unless you sandblast off the current paint, whitewashing will not accomplish what you hope to the current pain is on there for good -- but, you can re-paint and then try some dry brushing here and there with some "brick" colors to break up the solid color.....just an idea
Donna, how did it turn out??? I know it's a year later. Just curious as I'm about to do the same thing to a darker grey brick fireplace!
Depends on what sort of paint was used uin the first place. You could rough it up with sandpaper if shiney and then try white washing it.
Donna. How did the whitewash over painted brick go?
Depending on the paint used on fireplace (if it is Matt) it may be ok! If not, you may have to remove original paint - difficult and messy! Another thought - It might be possible to cover with Stain Block and then try it...