Light bulb stuck in track lighting
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We had this happen.The black trim peice unscrews! take it off and there is room to unscrew lightbulb.
Last Case Scenario: Wear protective Goggles!
Cut the power to that fixture, hold some sort of big bucket under the bulb and break the glass away until you can see the metal "neck" that screws in, get pliers (maybe 2 on opposite sides to unscrew the base from the fixture.
I've used those light bulb gripper removers.....
I have also had ones so mucked up, I had to break the bulb. Turn off the power. Put a heavy duty bag over it and break with a hammer wearing heavy long-sleeved shirt, gloves and goggles. Remove bag to trash. Then use pliers to remove the socket. If that proves difficult, shove a potato into the socket and try to turn it.
This link offers a few ideas:
On my track lighting, the fixture holding the bulb comes out of the track by giving it a quarter turn. If yours are the same, you don't have to cut power and you can get the problem to an easier working level. Anything to not be working over my head!