How do I repair a pitted stainless steel table?
We have one of those large stainless steel tables that you might see in a gourmet kitchen store . It has 2 levels. We sit at it with barstools in the kitchen. It’s pitting on the first level where our feet sit. How can I restore it?
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Hi Justine, I actually looked into this once for my stainless steel appliances. It is possible to really improve the look of steel by sanding it down actually: Hope that helps!
JB Weld makes a stainless metal filler. I’ve not used it yet, but I’m going to soon.
This is it, below.
I would consider using something to totally cover that level such as stainless steel paint, laminate, contact paper, etc. You could also order a new piece piece of thin stainless steel to put over that level. I don't think there will be anything to "fix" the pitting that won't be obvious. Good luck and make sure not to use cleaning products in the future that will pit the finish. 😎
Here's a post that might help