The bannister is coming off the wall. How do I fix this

Maryellen Good
by Maryellen Good
It's loose and I'm afraid it will come down
  6 answers
  • Dianacirce70 Dianacirce70 on Mar 28, 2018

    You can put glue on the back, then drill a small hole all the way through and use a long nail to help secure it to the wall. Inset it a bit and use wood putty and you will barely notice the mark from doing that

  • Melanie Czoka Melanie Czoka on Mar 28, 2018

    If you try to use screws, make sure that they are long and not too think. If they arent long enough, they wont stay. If they're too thick, it can spit your banister.

  • I think you want a long screw instead of a nail to help hold it in tightly.

  • Joy30150932 Joy30150932 on Mar 28, 2018

    Drill a small hole right through to the wall, and then install a long screw the size of the drill bit you used. Buy a putty stick, the same color as the wood and putty over the head of the screw. Clean any excess off with a bit of paint solvent on a rag.

  • Cristine Schwartzberg Cristine Schwartzberg on Mar 28, 2018

    Use a stud finder first to find out where the studs are. We had bannister separation when the new banister was not affixed to a stud.

  • Dee Dee on Mar 31, 2018

    Use screws or long wooden nails used for gutters. Make sure you counter sink them and then use wood filler and stain to match the railing.