How to fix standing water by the front steps?

by Phyllis

When it rains hard water stands at my front steps 2-3 inches. What are some suggestions to fix this.

  7 answers
  • It sounds like a drainage issue, Phyllis. You need to change the slope by digging it out to move the water away from your steps...maybe toward a flower bed??

  • Tonya Tonya on Aug 16, 2018

    Drainage the water coming from your roof/gutters? Is the standing water ON your steps? What are they made of?

    Picture(s) would be helpful in determining a solution.

  • Cindy Hagemann Cindy Hagemann on Aug 16, 2018

    Add gutters to your house to help prevent this - you might need to have a French drain added to the front of your home.

  • Peggy Nielsen Coonfer Peggy Nielsen Coonfer on Aug 16, 2018

    Increase drainage by digging out that area and filling it with rocks then put your dirt or sod back on top. I had this problem in two areas and I had to do this and it worked. I also had my perimeter drains cleaned by a company one year but that can be costly, but my drains had tree roots in them which probably hindered water draining The spot in my garden was like a pond so I made a faux river bed and it’s never happened again Good luck

  • Frances Arlene Frances Arlene on Aug 16, 2018


  • Kathy Gunter Law Kathy Gunter Law on Aug 16, 2018

    You can install a french drain around your steps. Is it possible to slope the surrounding area? If so, perhaps do that and add gravel for drainage.

  • Em Em on Sep 14, 2021

    You need a dry well. Look up videos. Not a hard fix. You want the water to drain away from the foundation by about 10'. Dig a trench, use 4" conduit for the downspout to drain into the dry well via the sloped conduit that will be buried.