Re-using granite counter top after a house fire

by Sharon
Is it possible to re-use a kitchen, granite countertop
that was in a house fire and is covered in smoke and soot.
I am very concerned about possible contamination of food being put on it.
What would I attempt to clean it with or should it be done professionally.
Since granite is a porous material, I don't know if any process would be able
to get down into the "pores" HELP PLEASE. Miss Leary
  6 answers
  • Di Di on May 03, 2016
    Granite is a porous surface, so I would not use it. If it was sealed, the product probably isn't organic. I would call my insurance company after I first looked online for specifics on policy, and Google. Good Luck
  • MN Mom MN Mom on May 03, 2016
    Hi Sharon To be on the absolute safe side, I would contact a reputible granite contractor and ask his professional advice. Then be sure to give that information to your homeowners insurance agent .
  • Cur5181835 Cur5181835 on May 03, 2016
    Check for companies who specialize in cleaning up and restoring, after a fire or flood.
  • William William on May 03, 2016
    I'm with MN MOM! Get some professional advice and you can present that to your insurance company. Whether it can be cleaned properly or needs to be replaced you have you would be armed and ready to confront the adjuster.
  • From experience here in the US the insurance adjuster comes to your home and surveys the situation and then you hire in a company that deals with fire restoration. The homeowner usually takes advice from the adjuster and the fire restoration company and the insurance company either replace or pay to clean your home and personal belongings. Stay in contact with your insurance adjuster because your homeowners should cover any loss due to the fire. good luck- having a house fire is not a pleasant experience