Hi , has any one turned a single divan bed into a sofa/ seat

by Suesage66
  5 answers
  • SandyG SandyG on Apr 26, 2018

    If I understand you want to turn a single/twin size bed into a sofa, correct? Basically you will need a back board to attach horizontally to one side of the bed. Sometimes you can use an old door, turned horizontally or an old headboard from a bed or you Diy your own back for a sofa. Also decide if you want ends on your sofa. Figuring out how to attach would be next. If divan bed is wood, and new back couch is wood, attach with wood screws. If divan bed is metal, you may have to drill some holes in bed to attach and add some extra support.

    Click on links below for some ideas. I am sure it will explain it better than I can.




  • Lsherbach Lsherbach on Apr 26, 2018

    I think you meant to say day bed into sofa. I hope this is correct. If it is I have done this ... using wedge shaped bolsters as the back ( I covered these with fabric that matched the duvet I was using to cover the mattress). Added lots of sofa like pillows , tucked the duvet around the mattress. Loved it!

  • Lisa S. Lisa S. on Apr 26, 2018

    I have a daybed - which purchased foam wedges, and a matching cover and cover for the wedges from JC Penny's catalog years ago. Don't think they sell those things anymore. I purchased matching pillow cases to add more pillows. Have it in my study / guest room. Looks like a sofa.

  • Cindy Cindy on Apr 26, 2018

    not hard attach aboard attach cushions

  • Emily Emily on Apr 26, 2018

    when we first moved to Maine it took a while for our furniture to arrive so I went to the Salvation army and bought an old iron cot sized bed for our little girl. Got a new mattress for it. We only needed it for awhile but we kept it for extra sleeping space for company. I painted it black and made a cover for the mattress out of black and white ticking. I made a hanging lamp for over it and piled black and white pillows on the back.