How can i upcycle rigid foam packing blocks?
how can i upcycle rigid foam packing blocks?
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I use mine to spray paint small pieces, like drawer knobs, but here's a link with more ideas:
When I have large pieces I break them up into manageable sizes and use then in the bottom of a flower pots, they are lighter than gravel and hold up well-good drainage.
Hi Cindy, hope this helps you out, lots of great ideas here
Here are some upcycle ideas with styrofoam:
Use Styrofoam to Keep Nail Polish Nice
Use Styrofoam to Hold Treats for Shipping and Freezing
Use Styrofoam to Make a Floating Tray for the Pool
Use Styrofoam to Help Shrubs Withstand Winter
Here's a post that might help,Alliance%20of%20Foam%20Packaging%20Recyclers.
Donate them to a daycare or kindergarten. Small kids love to play with them to build structures. As the foam is not heavy, the blocks can instantly become safe toys.
Hi Cindy
Here is more info for you
Hi Cindy, can you send Pics so able to see what you have to deal with?
Carve them? Paint them and give them to kids for building? Use them to build fun igloos with kids in the snow? Wrap them and use them as Christmas props? Carve out the center and use them as gift boxes?
Use for a playhouse for kids
I use mine in my very large flower pots. Keeps them light and plants do not care they are there. You can fill the empty spaces with soil and they help with moisture.