Ideas needed for cast iron pots

Brenda Smith
by Brenda Smith
I inherited two very old and neglected cast iron pots from my family and after removing rust I want to think of some good uses for them. Size/shape of each is different and one has a crack in the bottom. I plan to paint them with rust-inhibiting paint in flat black and use one as a firewood holder beside the fireplace in my family room. I need ideas for the other one ...maybe for use on my screened porch? I thought about lining it sometime with plastic for use holding ice/soft drinks for a party.
  9 answers
  • Alene Jones Alene Jones on Jun 02, 2015
    even old neglected cast iron pots can be revised to be used again. Just re-season the one that doesn't have a crack and use it -- btw do you have pictures of the pots?
  • Capernius Capernius on Jun 02, 2015
    for the one that is cracked, get someone to weld the crack, then maybe use it for holding candles or make a candle from it... Pictures would definitely help...
  • Mary Solt Mary Solt on Jun 02, 2015
    for the one that's cracked, drill some hols in the bottom and plant flowers in it for your front porch. the other one can be revived. just reseason and use it.
  • Darla Darla on Jun 02, 2015
    If you don't want to use the whole one for cooking, why not sell it to someone who does, and use the money for your decorating fund?
  • Inetia Inetia on Jun 02, 2015
    How about a gel fuel fire pit. See Youtube tutorial...
  • Carol G Carol G on Jun 02, 2015
    I have 2 of them too. I will be making a fire pit with the cracked one and a water feature with the other. all still in the planning stage.
  • Jacky Payne Jacky Payne on Jun 03, 2015
    I think a kitchen clock would look great. Michaels or any of those stores has the makings.Just get someone to drill the center hole for the mechanism then put the numbers on. They have all styles for the numbers etc. They are heavy so make sure you hit a stud when you drive a nail or screw to hang it on,
  • MaryJVA MaryJVA on Jun 03, 2015
    The one that isn't cracked can be seasoned and reused for cooking. Depending on the size and shape of the cracked one, you can clean it and season it. Put a liner in it. Crack CAN be made solid with Durham Rock Putty. You can then sand and spray paint it. Use a plastic liner for a plant. Water contact of any kind will rust it again eventually.
  • Casee Casee on Oct 30, 2021

    The one that doesn't have a crack can be used to cook. We have a three legged one and we use that to make potjiekos - a South African dish that you cook outside on the fire.