How to upcycle my tiffany lamp?

by Che28395052
Would like to make something for the front yard don't mind taking the class apart but any suggestions will help
  5 answers
  • Cindy Cindy on Jun 14, 2018

    You could hang it outside near a door. Replace the electric hardware with solar lights. Just take the stick off of the solar light. And put the "light" portion into the tiffany lamp. You could paint the lamp if you wanted to, or maybe stencil your address number on it too. Be sure to get the paint made especially for glass. Best of luck to you.

  • 17335038 17335038 on Jun 15, 2018

    A solar light will work only to the extent that the sun shines directly on it during daylight hours. If it were inside/under this glass fixture it is unlikely that it would receive enough sunlight to have it give back light after dark.

  • Ann Ann on Jun 15, 2018

    Restyle it into a terrarium. It could be absolutely stunning with moss, miniature ivy and ferns. Add decor for a fairy garden if that's your style. Or turn it over and use it for a planter for a nice full fern.

  • Deb Sommers Deb Sommers on Jun 30, 2018

    I would make it into a mercury glass hanging lamp. First, I would spray paint the actual lighting area. Please be certain to protect the interior of the glass or the glass spray paint will not work - because instead of glass spray paint you will have silver, etc. I would use "metallic rub" on the leaded areas of the lamp. You would apply this by hand. I buy my product at Hobby Lobby, it comes in multiple colors, silver, gold, antique gold, etc. I think this would be a beautiful updated mercury glass hanglng light fixture again. Best WIshes.