What can I make with Patron Tequila bottles and or their corks?
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You can turn the bottles into pendant lights!
And you can use the corks for all sort of fun projects- succulent planters, coaster, corkboard, or magnets. Have fun!
How to Make a Pendant Light With an Alcohol Bottle.
can get pump top and use in bathroom or kitchen to dispense soap
The corks, you can group together flat side up. Use a wooden picture frame, and fit them in tightly. You may have to trim the bottom of the corks. Then screw in little wooden pegs, like footers. Four of them. You may have to use glue to keep the corks in tightly, or cut them to fit perfectly. Make trivets out of this. Trivet is a hot pot holder.
I use the bottles and corks to store dried beans. They are cute stored out in the kitchen or can be tucked away.
i used to fill bottles with colored water and put on shelf in window
this is a wine bottle, painted, the baked on. I use it for dish soap by watering down the dish soap.
this one is a favorite of mine
My first thought are lamps for a bar and/or patio.
Probably fill with sand so it has stability.
Or slender candles
Flower vases
You can find loads of DIY cork ideas here: https://www.hometalk.com/diy/decorate/s-use-your-old-corks-for-these-25-clever-ideas-32568942
I saw where a boy turned his Mom's bottle into a terrarium.
Citronella candles for your porch or deck. I used copper fittings to hold the seed icks in place.