Wrought iron bed

by Brenda
This wrought iron bed frame has been in the family over 70 years and I want to do something special but don't know what.help Thanks
need help
  21 answers
  • Dee Dee on Nov 15, 2014
    Sand it down and spray paint it your color of choice. I would do it oil rubbed bronze.
  • Fran Taylor Fran Taylor on Nov 15, 2014
    That does sound pretty Dee! I love wrought iron... its so versatile and durable you can always change it if it doesn't turn out the way you want. :)
  • Susan Susan on Nov 16, 2014
    Consider modge podge, and toile fabric, of your choice, on the center panels of the headboard, and footboards, and a contrasting paint for the remainder. Would love to see your decision, so, please, repost the finished product.
    • Brenda Brenda on Nov 16, 2014
      Thank you I love this idea may have to try it will keep u informed
  • Lindsay Jackson Lindsay Jackson on Nov 16, 2014
    I saw another post where one like this had been sanded, painted and then used as a blanket rack (mounted sideways on wall)
  • Chu820869 Chu820869 on Nov 16, 2014
    If you actually mean to repurpose it, I sometimes see some used as garden gates.
  • Brenda Brenda on Nov 16, 2014
    I want to use it in guest bedroom I would never use it any other way
  • Christine Wiseman Christine Wiseman on Nov 16, 2014
    Repurpose as a bench. Take it down to the metal for a rustic look or paint it a fun updated color. For indoors, use a cushion with a fun fabric.
    comment photo
  • Buster Evans Buster Evans on Nov 16, 2014
    That modge podge idea struck a thought with me... you could make copies of ancestry photos and/or relatives in different ages of their lives and arrange them to the center panels of the frame (both sides or just one) make a collage of them.. then use polyurethane or clear shellac to seal them in place... I did this with a card table many years ago and it still looks great!.Its also been quite the conversation piece. just a thought..
  • Cynthia Cynthia on Nov 16, 2014
    Or use a decorative stencil when painting for the center. Paint the entire bed the color you want for your room then choose two colors similar shades or contrast whatever pleases your eye. Paint just that center part with one of those colors, let dry. Attach a decorative stencil in the center, choose a puddy or something that won't peel your new paint off. Paint center section again, let dry completely and remove stencil.
  • Linda Linda on Nov 16, 2014
    I have a bed just like this, except for the color. It is brown and has a beige stenciled pattern on the center panel of the head and foot board. It used to belong to my beloved great aunt. I love it!
  • Dee Dee on Nov 16, 2014
    or you could buy some wooden appliques at Lowe's, Michael's or Hobby Lobby, paint in whatever color you would like, and glue to the middle sections. That would look gorgeous without a lot of work, and can always be replaced when tired of it. There are many styles to choose from.
  • JESS JESS on Nov 16, 2014
    FIRST strip that Godawful white paint off it!!!! Take it down to it's natural 'iron'. Why not use it for it's intended purpose? Maybe in a child's bedroom to impart a little history into them subconsciously? or maybe in a guest bedroom if you have one. K.I.S.S. Keep it Simple
  • Mary Mary on Nov 17, 2014
    after you get a finish you like, hanging it on a wall and using it to display OLD black and white photos inbetween the rungs might be a thought; especially if you can find some photos from the same era.
  • Susan Coloton Susan Coloton on Nov 17, 2014
    I specifically bought one, hand sanded it to the best of my ability and spray painted it an antique bronze. Looks really good in my opinion!
  • Denise Denise on Sep 15, 2015
    Or build a bench for your front porch, kitchen, or a bedroom.
  • Jenny Jenny on Nov 01, 2015
    We took an antique iron headboard and put it out in our flower garden and planted clematis so that it would grow up and around it. If you are worried about it deteriorating, you can seal it before you put it out there. Our's was for a 3/4 mattress, which I was never going to buy, so rather than have it just sitting in our attic, I decided to get some use from it. No regrets on my end.
  • Donna Donna on Nov 01, 2015
    I have a bed like that and had it powder-coated in a brushed nickel color to resemble the original look.
    • Heartbeat Heartbeat on Nov 04, 2015
      I like Donna's answer, try to keep it as a headboard or bench inside the house. I hate to see it get ruined
  • Dfoulk Dfoulk on Nov 04, 2015
    I have a similar double size iron bed that belonged to my grandparents. My dad had it sandblasted and primed at an automotive paint shop, then we painted it for my first apartment forty years ago. Now, my grandchildren sleep in it when they visit!
  • Tracie Bates Tracie Bates on Nov 04, 2015
    I have the exact bed... When it was given to me, it had many different coats of paint on it and rusted in places. I sandblasted it and painted it glossy white and now it's in my guest bedroom. If you don't have the foot board and railing, i'd make a bench out of it. Good luck!!
  • Junebugtx Junebugtx on Nov 05, 2015
    We have a cast iron bed that was transported cross country over a hundred years ago in a covered wagon. Many years ago I hand sanded it, primed it then painted it a lovely white color. I even painted the small roses white. I cherish it and will always keep it as a bed.
  • Valier Leonard Valier Leonard on Nov 09, 2015
    I too would have it sandblasted then I would go a step further and have it powder coated then it will last a long time if you look hard enough you can find a foot board and a set of springs good will here is a great place to look