I'm Thinking About Painting Our Wood Range Mount, What Do You Think?

We have this wood range mount in our kitchen that I'm thinking of painting. So I went to Sherwin Williams website and used their paint visualizer tool. I was able to virtually try out several different colors. But the problem is, I like them All! So I was hoping you could help me decide.
Here is what the range mount looks like currently. My husband quite likes the wood because of how it breaks up the room. However, I feel like it is too dark and doesn't fit with my airy style.
Because I am such a huge fan of white kitchens, I first tried out what it would look like painted white. I really like how it blends in with the rest of the cabinets.
And then I decided to have a little fun with color. This is a color called, Grays harbor. I think it is a really pretty grey-blue color and I like how it gives the room a softer look.
Next, I tried out a brighter color to liven up the room a bit. This color is called, Riverway.
And like I said, I like them all! I even tried out a few other colors and variations, like white on top, wood on bottom, but I didn't like those looks as much.

You can check the other looks out on my blog, at the website below.

So please share, which look do you like best?
The Wicker House
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  • Nicole Nicole on Feb 05, 2019

    the kitchen is beautiful but my eye is drawn to the ceiling? whats up with the ceiling?

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  • Z Z on Oct 02, 2015
    Personally I prefer wood, but since you already painted the rest of the kitchen white, I'll add that I think it would look best if you bring what ever color you chose to paint over the last unpainted section of your kitchen to another part of the kitchen. Say the back side of the peninsula, I believe that would help bring the kitchen together. I used Paint and ran our of wrist strength to do it all, as I have to do each section separately using my mouse to draw around each place adding color, but I think you'll get the idea. I brought in the brown from the border on the back splash above the stove because otherwise it seemed lonely.
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  • Man I like them all too. I love the blue, but am thinking you should leave it the dark wood which will never go out of style. I would paint your counter stools the fun blue and find ways to put plates or accessories with bright fun colors around your kitchen. No matter what you do you have a gorgeous kitchen. I am getting ready to paint my kitchen soon.