Asked on Jan 22, 2017

Any storage ideas for a LOT of vitamin and supplement bottles?

Live in an apartment where space is limited. Have a lot of bottles of vitamins and supplements, and they are all over the counter, overflowing from a container that used to be big enough. Need some ideas of how I might store them. Right now they are in the kitchen by my coffee pot and can opener. There is hardly any room left on that counter. There is a foot of wall space there. Thanks! kkp icon
  22 answers
  • Cori Widen Cori Widen on Jan 23, 2017

    We also have this problem - and we also used to keep them on our counter! We bought a countertop lazy susan, looks like this one. Helped a lot.

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  • Hillela G. Hillela G. on Jan 23, 2017

    I have 2 ideas for you:

    You can make a sliding "spice rack" and use it for your bottles, you can fit it in your kitchen or your bathroom:

    Or you can get a spice rack insert that can double or triple your space by adding vertical shelves

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  • Judy Judy on Jan 23, 2017

    We put ours in a plastic bag, and give to a man or lady, who does repair work. It is great to keep screws, nails, etc. separated. This can also work in the sewing area as well. Keep the tall ones, that you have the most of. These are great, for keeping things in order.. I put one sample on the bottle, with tape, so I know what is in the bottle. This really is handy.

  • Kathleen k parker Kathleen k parker on Jan 24, 2017

    I am not sure I understand, Ruffled. Thanks so much for your help! :) kk

    • See 1 previous
    • Judy Judy on Jan 27, 2017

      Yes, I am talking of empty med. bottles. These can used in garages, to mark extra screws, nails, and so forth. I am sorry if this was hard to understand. I always put one on the outside of the bottle, and tape the nail or screw on it, so I know what is in it. Thank you.. hope this is helpful.

  • Jcraw Jcraw on Jan 24, 2017

    Amazon has "heavy duty over-the-door storage with 12 mesh pockets", by Missio.

    Like a shoe storage bag. These are virtually see -through. Get rid of the door hooks and make holes for Command hooks. The beauty is that this is 12" wide. It's 58" long, but you can cut to length. It's $12.25 and Prime, if you have it. eBay for $8.99.

  • Irish Pack Irish Pack on Jan 24, 2017

    Lots of great ideas here. Since I have a huge closet in my lil apartment, I use boxes on my top shelf as well as under the bed storage (bed is on risers) I cover my boxes in material. My meds box is a coke box (the ones that the Mexican bottles come in) and covered in denim. I have 4 pillboxes that I fill once a month with my am and pm meds. That way, I only have a pillbox in my medicine cabinet and all the meds and supplements stay in the closet with the other 3 pillboxes.

    Hope this helps....the under-the-bed storage is amazing and people can't believe all the stuff I have.

    • See 1 previous
    • Colleen Thompson Colleen Thompson on Jan 29, 2017

      Also the humidity can ruin pills. If you travel and go places known to be tropical climates double wrap the meds or the pills literally crumble or melt.

  • Sophia,M.,McConnery Sophia,M.,McConnery on Jan 25, 2017

    All great ideas.Also the letter boxes you can find used,would work for the storage of the bottles!

  • Charly Charly on Jan 26, 2017

    My husband and I take quite a lot of meds and vitamins. I don't like to have all those bottleseeking out for people to see. Especially my grand children. So, I keep our bottles in separate shoe boxes appropriately labeled for Dad and mom. Every Sunday night I put all of the of.necessary pills for each of us in those plastic pill boxes for the week. Those I put on the nightstwe eachands for eacher of our nightly pills and then the other boxes go in the kitchen on the counter for daily use. I have labeled the pill boxes with our names so that we know whose is whose. This also reminds us to take our pills every day and night and we can keep track if we have missed a day. You can buy these boxes at the Dollar store.

    • Judy Judy on Jan 27, 2017

      Hello, one more idea, is that some hosp. save the caps and lids to med bottles for a charity group. We save our for the Diabetic Equipment. Just wanted to pass this on to you. We take them, to a grocery store, and there are large places where you can leave them, for a good cause. Just passing on some ideas.

  • Charly Charly on Jan 26, 2017

    Oops. Sorry for the mistakes. Pop ups got in the way.

  • Eroque022810 Eroque022810 on Jan 26, 2017

    How about a 2 level lazy susan? If you purchase those big containers of supplements put some in a mason jar an keep on counter do this with anything you purchase in bulk. I totally get it because if out of site you may forget to take. Or if it becomes a hassle to reach from on top of fridge you just will get pissed off. My boys used supplements so on top of fridge but tiny kitchen and they are taller than me.

  • Colleen Thompson Colleen Thompson on Jan 27, 2017

    A simple lazy Susan carousel with multiple levels.

  • Kathleen k parker Kathleen k parker on Jan 27, 2017

    Thanks everyone! Wonderful ideas. I so appreciate this response to my question. :) kk

    • Hamcrafter Hamcrafter on Feb 21, 2020

      Thank you for posting that link to the ContainerStore. Great ideas on there, and just what I need!!! Bless you!

  • Kathleen k parker Kathleen k parker on Jan 28, 2017

    Thanks. My brain just didn't get it when it was there all along, Judy! Thanks for the great suggestion. You know what I just did........... I moved the foil, plastic wrap, etc from a drawer to under the sink--a very busy under the sink, but they are there AND I moved all my vitamins to the drawer. I have MANY and some I buy two for one when I can. So.............. The idea of putting the pill on the outside of the bottle is a good one. I also ordered from Amazon a couple of little shoe holders NOT quite sure where they will go, but I use one here for summer shoes and for paperback books, small projects I am working on--like a needlepoint pillow, etc.

    I really need to get rid of the too much stuff that I have here!


  • Irish Pack Irish Pack on Jan 28, 2017

    Actually, I have started keeping my pillcase next to the coffee pot in the kitchen because I was forgetting to take my meds. Good advice though, I wasn''t aware of that. Thanks.

  • Honey Henderson Honey Henderson on Feb 09, 2017

    Store vitamins in a shallow drawer, or try a spice rack on whatever wall that is available and closest to where you normally take your pills.

  • Sylvia Violette Sylvia Violette on Feb 10, 2017

    i bought a pretty box container at michaels and store all my meds in there. It's plenty big enough, and now they tell us not to store in bathroom because of the steam. Once a week, I put meds in pill box. Or you could use the empty containers and fill them by day, that should give you plenty of room.

  • Kcama Kcama on Feb 11, 2017

    When my husband started taking a lot of meds, and they needed to be in the kitchen, I bought a lovely breadbox. Roomy, stashed away, but easy to access. Because you have limited counter space, maybe you could hang one under the top cabinets.

  • Deb K Deb K on Mar 04, 2022

    Hello, you can use baskets/containers with labels, if they all match they look good too!

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  • Hi Kathleen! Hang them on the inside of a cabinet door or pantry door, this way they're hidden but still organized. HOT TIP: if you forget to remember to take your vitamins often but don't want them exposed to the world on a daily basis, hang them on the inside of the cabinet or door you open most frequently. Hope this helps!