Any thoughts on how to make my mailbox look pretty?

Lee Rakoskie
by Lee Rakoskie
Everyone posts something about making their metal mail box look nice/different - how about the ugly plastic ones? The best I could do was add garland at Christmas time... It's all plastic and black and my house is grey and blue... painting with plastic paint would change it but it would rub off every time you open the box!
  19 answers
  • Beth Shorts Beth Shorts on May 01, 2017

    Krylon makes a paint specifically for plastic, called Krylon Fusion .. I painted my plastic mailbox (which looks very much like yours) a really pretty purple about 5 years ago and it is still looking good! Then find unique stencils for your street numbers and paint them on with a good acrylic paint.. I would spray the entire mailbox, once it's painted, with a clear exterior coat (Krylon also makes that)

    • Sandy Sandy on May 02, 2017

      Wondered what to spray my mailbox with now I know TU -:)

  • Katherine Anne Katherine Anne on May 01, 2017

    You can absolutely paint it with a process that the company called,Modern Masters,makes...It will give you an authentic faux metal patina finish.... That will not peel. Plus, the result can be exactly the colors looking for to complement your homes color choices.

  • Sam Sam on May 02, 2017

    yes, painting with one of the products mentioned works well. but think of it as a 'little house' and paint it the same colors you have on your house. think of the door as your door to the house and use your accent color there.

    (and maybe forget those bows at chirstmas time... throw a few silk white poinsettias in there instead. will look much nicer)

  • Elga Ray Elga Ray on May 02, 2017

    Have you thought about planting clematises at the bottom? As they grow taller, you can surround the vines around your mailbox. Or, you could put up a small trellis on both sides of your mailbox for the clematis climb up on it.

    • Lee Rakoskie Lee Rakoskie on May 03, 2017

      Sorry, not much on gardening and travel for work so it needs to be quick and easy... also I am known as a black thumb... already killed everything I've tried to plant! But, thanks for the ideas

  • Jennifer | CrazyDiyMom Jennifer | CrazyDiyMom on May 02, 2017

    I would paint that baby the same color as your shutters! It would look beautiful. Krylon and Rustoleum now have both come out with plastic compatible spray paint and it works great. I painted my plastic mailbox with spray paint and it has stayed on perfectly!

  • Jane Ketchum Jane Ketchum on May 02, 2017

    We decorated with fancy (still legible) numbers. While we used our Cricut, you can also find vinyl numbers & other decorations at craft stores. We built a small planter around the base & planted bright, red geraniums.

  • Buy a big round planter. Remove the mailbox and put a hole in the bottom of the planter. Slide it down the shaft and plant away.

  • Sidney Rippy McLaughlin Sidney Rippy McLaughlin on May 02, 2017

    Just a thought, but metal mail boxes are inexpensive and easy to change out.

    • Lee Rakoskie Lee Rakoskie on May 03, 2017

      Unfortunately the box here is all one piece so I would have to replace the entire box and post which I am unable physically to do... therefore having someone replace the entire piece would be cost ineffective.

  • Margaret Margaret on May 02, 2017

    I think it would look nice with blue paint on the box, a white door and white letters on the side, or switch the colors around. Is there an electrical cord on the post? Is that square thingie below the door a light? I would paint that post white. The box would be pretty with a little bird stencil on the sides with the house numbers.

  • Shany Shany on May 02, 2017

    Spray paint it with a color that blends with your house, you can stencil the family name on it

  • C.B. C.B. on May 03, 2017

    My Suggestion: Do you sew? Make some cute little 'slip-on' decorations that can be seasonal or just fun! Or use Velcro to fasten the decorative 'sleeve' under the box. ..floral fabric, wooden toys, Raggity Anne & Andy, cars, be creative & have fun!

  • Jewellmartin Jewellmartin on May 03, 2017

    Your house trim is charming! I would echo that on your mailbox. For safety, you need your house number large and readable on the box. My neighborhood seems to prefer the numbers on the door, but many others prefer the side facing the right hand side. You can buy white vinyl letters if you don't have a vinyl cutting machine. Get blue vinyl tape and trim the curves with the tape which seldom fades. If you do paint the box, try gray. And follow other's suggestions about paint type and sealers. Decorate the pole, not the box, if you want holiday glam.

  • Lee Rakoskie Lee Rakoskie on May 03, 2017

    Thank you for all the great suggestions! Since I don't sew or garden well and the cost of replacing (unable to physically remove/replace) is too great I think I'll research the paint idea...

  • You can definitely paint it with a Krylon spray that's made for plastic. It works and it should not rub off it cures well.

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Aug 08, 2022

    Get creative - Transfers, Freehand art, block paint it! etc.

  • Deb K Deb K on May 11, 2023

    Hi Lee, I would paint it with standard exterior gloss paint which is a suitable finish for plastic when used in conjunction with an appropriate primer and undercoat. Either acrylic or oil-based gloss can be used, and both are available in a wide range of colours. Typical application methods include brush, roller and spray. paint tom to at least change up the color You can even stencil it then put a clear coat over to protect the stencil designs.

  • Janice Janice on May 24, 2024

    Either Rustoleum or Krylon paints made especially for plastic will be easy to spray on....several light coats!....and it will last and last, even out in the weather. You could mask the box off and so some creative color blocking to make it very unique.

  • Betsy Betsy on May 24, 2024

    Hi Lee: I agree, Rustoleum and Krylon both make spray paints in wonderful colours and you can add stickers and spray over them with a clear spray.