How do you get rid of moles?

Sharon Evans
by Sharon Evans
Is there anything natural I can use that won't harm my 2 Yorkers ?
  4 answers
  • Micki Gfellers Micki Gfellers on May 08, 2017

    Try mixing cayenne pepper and cinnamon in the dirt where there is activity. You can buy both of these pretty cheap at a dollar store.

  • Darline Darline on May 08, 2017

    I haven't tried it yet, but hear that B Ami cleanser is a good deterrent, and you put I under the dirt. Please check it out to get facts.

  • Cheryl Cheryl on May 08, 2017

    Find someone with ferrets. Collect ferret poop and stick down into holes. Will not harm other animals but the moles will disappear. They hate ferrets and are deathly afraid of them. the smell of the poop will do the trick. I have used it at the apartment complex where I live. Yes it works.
